Work & Market-place. Academic & Public-space.

Renewing Inter-Personal Relationships

Building Emotional Intelligence

Awakening The Human Conscience

Two Versions – For Whom?

(1) Virtues, Values & Ethics Education – Christian Religious Version [Christian-Education Based Option]: For Christian Business/NFP organisations, Private Schools & Institutions, And Small Groups.

How? Biblical Diagnostic Tools Through The Gospel Truth.

(2) Values & Ethics Education – Public Version, Non-Religious [Public-Education Based]: For Business/NFP organisations, Government departments, Public/Private Schools & Institutions, Print/Electronic/Online Media.

How? Epistemological & Empirical Method & Tools.

It is based on a theory of knowledge whose scope and validity draw upon Life-Applicable and Time-Tested Truth as found in a broad diversity of multicultural contexts. We summarise these as Life’s Three P’s:

(1) Proverbs (2) Parables (3) Positives (life’s positive experiences)

In constructing emotional intelligence and deconstructing harmful habits and tendencies, Life & Truth utilizes those empirical tools that are commonplace. The scope is limited to a simplicity that most people can easily relate with. These are:

(1) Verifiable Historicity (2) Undeniable Reality (3) The Irrefutable Facts Of Life

  Modes of Delivery (The Public or Christian Versions Respectively):

‘Life & Truth in the Public Space or ‘Life & Truth by the Gospel Truth’.

[A] Conferences, Seminars, Workshops: For Workplace/Marketplace or Academia.

[B] Media Program/Articles/Columns: For Radio & Tv, Newspapers/Journals & Publications.

In order to deploy Preventive and Renewal Education, the Life & Truth Model employs a range of epistemological tools developed by Paul E. Momoh; an educationist and a leadership and management specialist with over 30 years experience in NFP cross-cultural contexts – Australia and overseas. He is a Fellow of the Australian/ New Zealand Institute of Managers & Leaders, FIML, and the Founder /Keynote Speaker for Leadership Education And Management (LEMAN Institute). He earned tertiary qualifications in Marketing, Business Administration & Management, as well as in Education and Leadership, including a Masters degree (MTh, Rel. Education, University of Newcastle), and PhD (candidature, UNISA) – ongoing qualitative research in the discipline of practical theology. His subjects of research interest include the influence of secularisation tendencies in Australia/western countries on spiritual formation, secularisation and young people, faith formation, governance, leadership and management. 

Thus, the overall aim of Life & Truth is two-fold:

For the Public Version, Life & Truth aims to support the building or development of emotional intelligence and the awakening of the human conscience to choose Good and reject Evil, towards a more humane, value-based, ethical society.

For the Christian Version, Life & Truth aims to fulfil the goal of the Public Version, and additionally, to develope spiritual/faith formation through the Gospel Truth.

 The Life & Truth Model is founded on a fundamental theory of life that holds that every human life is endowed with a CONSCIENCE. As an intelligent being, the human conscience has an in-built, self-regulatory capacity on the subject of Good and Evil. This natural attribute is based on its self-awareness or knowledge of what is naturally Good or Evil.

The emotional intelligence of the conscience to self-condemn when evil is done, and to excuse or justify when good is done, has received perhaps, little or no focused-attention in humanity’s formal educational enterprise. That CONSCIENCE, however, is enlightened, nourished, and sustained by TRUTH. It is kept alive by truth, and if dead, awaken, restored and renewed by the truth. Hence, when life meets with truth, the lights come on, a transformation begins, and a life-time change is inevitable.

As it is rightly said, knowledge is light, and the power of a new light is in the release of a new understanding which brings new life to life. So much, therefore, of life’s unending adversities and emotional breakdowns can be restored, and does require continual renewal. Much of evil and harmful behaviour can be prevented before it happens through the power of truth in preventive education. After it happens, the power of truth in renewal education awakens the conscience to reality; renews and restores life from depression, addictions, substance abuse, bullying, suicidal instincts, etc.

Programme Fee

For Public/Private Schools & Colleges: For a limited time of this edition in 2020, the programme is sponsored entirely by FReN-Australia. It is therefore absolutely free for Schools/Colleges within our immediate community of the Gold Coast and parts of Brisbane. Programme date and time may then be mutually agreed upon with the key-note Speaker if happy to proceed. For your convenience, this programme can run in either of two formats: (i) Your College hosts the program or (ii) FReN hires your hall to run the programme.

For All Others: $300.00 pp (Workshop-Training Facilitation fee) plus: $45.00 (Empirical Assessment fee).

For Marriage Relationship

Religious Marriage Celebrant, Pre & Post Marriage Relationship Education, Pre & Post Marriage Counseling, etc. Click The Button Below.

A Word From The Keynote Speaker, Paul E. Momoh, FIML.

I approach the conversation at Life & Truth from two basic fronts. Firstly, from my professional perspective in Preventive-Education & Relationship Management. Secondly, from my decades-old interest in the philosophy of life. In later years, it has been a journey of seeking to know more through my qualitative research skills. Constantly seeking and finding answers to the age-old inquiry – What Is Life? In this pursuit lies my life-long passion for people, potential and purpose. These three Ps, People, Potential and Purpose, form the backbone of the three P’s of Life & Truth: Proverbs, Parables & Positives.

Where needful, I go further to draw upon my personal journey and those of others (just as each one’s life is a book). I share some of the amazing stories from several hundreds of people from whom I have had feedback on Life & Truth, over the years. These are real-life stories of changed lives: incredible testimonies of Renewal, Recovery, and Restoration (the three R’s). These encounters have been through personal contacts by my wife, Elisheba and I, in about three decades of a people-focused, lifelong vocation. This priceless experience has come through the opportunity afforded by both learning and teaching. It involved local and international travels across four continents: Africa, Europe, Australia-NZ, and the USA.

Undergirded by the foregoing skills-set and perspective, I engage my talent of inspired thinking, as an inspirational speaker, to equip my audience with the requisite hindsight, insight, and foresight, with which to make quality decisions and to take the required action. The incredible outcomes continue to prove what people can do and can become, once inspired in the right direction, and when supported to both live and do the right thing because it is the right thing to do!

In the scenario of Life & Truth (which I call “the dynamic atmosphere” or “the inspired dynamo”), the word, CHANGE, is commonplace, when the conscience is liberated and set free by the truth. Negative thoughts are exposed for what they are. Once rejected by their victim, they are then taken captive and expelled from their emotional abode by the truth. New freedom arises from within the newly constructed and developed thought-process. This literally kick-starts a new beginning in a new direction with a renewed life.

Thus, through the use of a range of Life & Truth tools, I prescribe time-tested, life-saving and life-changing solutions to my audience. I then lead the way into a practical, doable, step-by-step, Renewal, Recovery, and Restoration plan.

Go ahead and damn the unending vicissitudes of life, If you choose breakthrough over breakdown. If you value renewal, recovery, and restoration, then now is the time to connect at Life & Truth: where life meets with truth and a life-time change is inevitable!